Are we using smartphones more than we need to? - The darkside of our smartphones

  As a precious gift of 21st century's technology, smartphones fill a great part of our daily lives. Our routine is now linked with them. Ashamed to say but we are in their custody now. Every time I unlock my phone, the first thing that comes to my mind is " What brought me to unlock this phone ? " and mostly the answer is " nothing " . If the answer is " something " sometimes, than that "something"  is no other than checking messages, notifications, and statistics of my social medias. It's not that every time I unlock my phone there is no logical reason. I often use it to have important communications,  to Google out my doubt or to solve my curiosity about something but after sometime that ghost of my phone takes me under it's control. So here's a question " Why are we checking our smartphone ever now and then just to find nothing (rarely something) new? or Why we remain hooked up with our smartphones generally for a longer time than needed? "

    That secret power lies in the graphics and audio contents present in your phone. I believe the fact that those content are good way of learning or relaxing and are harmless if wisely used but at the same time those specially designed graphics and audio are the only reason that is taking us deep into our smartphone every day. You will find your phone relaxing due to this contents only. Those special contents are designed to look normal - Your ringtone, the notification sound, your home screen and especially your favourite apps that you spent your most time on. They are doing their silent job under your nose. You won't enjoy using a keypad phone now & neither you would enjoy your smartphone if it had black and white screen and audio was turned off because those special contents don't work here.

     But how all these works? You might have heard about " Dopamine" , a hormone that is responsible for happy feeling. The soul work of your smartphone is to trigger that hormone anyhow by the means of special audio visual materials as mentioned above. As the hormone gets released you enjoy using your phone more and more. The apps you spent your time earns a lot. Every graphics and audio elements in your phone is designed to give you what they are made for and specially a daily dose of dopamine that tells your brain to use that thing more and more. The latest technology gadgets are getting more and more close to us. This is going to give a devastating effect on our lives if you don't know if on time.

     You might have gambled once in your life and you will easily identify the feeling from your mind that tells you to continue gambling. Your mind is hungry for prizes. The same strategy works here. Every time you unlock your phone you will get some things (notifications especially)  that your brain understands as prize  and orders your body to continue gambling, it's another dopamine policy. Now not only dopamine, other hormones releases too. The light from your screen won't let you sleep. Now you feel anxious if you don't touch your phone or if you can't check when the melodious notification sound rings. You can't even stay without answering a call now whether it's important or not.
Your apps and games contents are super powerful. They can distract you for many hours without letting you feel hunger, thirst. The blue light can keep you awake for whole night. They have power to keep you away from your family and friends maybe forever. I think people are understanding it nowadays. The great minds of 21st century technologies are also focusing on reducing the screen time of their users. The concept of " Digital wellbeing " was launched few years ago with aim to help people minimize their smartphone uses and focus on things that really matters. You are free to use it. These methods are useless if we don't understand. Use DND , dark mode, wind down, etc that is available in your phone to not to let those specially designed audio visual contents interrupt your mind. All time your smartphone is not important so use it for a ' reasonable ' purpose. Before you unlock your phone next time ask yourself once " Is it really important to use it now ? " This is going to make a difference.

- Bimochan Poudel


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