Are we using smartphones more than we need to? - The darkside of our smartphones

As a precious gift of 21st century's technology, smartphones fill a great part of our daily lives. Our routine is now linked with them. Ashamed to say but we are in their custody now. Every time I unlock my phone, the first thing that comes to my mind is " What brought me to unlock this phone ? " and mostly the answer is " nothing " . If the answer is " something " sometimes, than that "something" is no other than checking messages, notifications, and statistics of my social medias. It's not that every time I unlock my phone there is no logical reason. I often use it to have important communications, to Google out my doubt or to solve my curiosity about something but after sometime that ghost of my phone takes me under it's control. So here's a question " Why are we checking our smartphone ever now and then just to find nothing (rarely something) new? or Why we remain hooked up with our smart...